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Showing 101 - 110 of 447 results.

  • Medical Management

    Topilsky Y, Maltais S, Medina Inojosa J et al. Burden of tricuspid regurgitation in patients diagnosed in the community setting. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2019;12(3):433–442.…
  • Diagnosis

    Most early-stage TR is clinically silent,1 and even with severe TR, some patients may be asymptomatic.27 In patients who become symptomatic of TR, the prevalence and severity of the symptoms are…
  • Guidelines

    Summary of current relevant international guidelines on the diagnosis of TR 0 TR should be evaluated first by echocardiography. In primary TR, specific abnormalities of the valve can be…
  • Overview

    Secondary TR arising from RV remodelling can be classified in three progressive stages26 0 Initial Right Ventricular (RV) dilatation results in Tricuspid Annulus (TA) dilatation 0 Progressive…
  • Overview

    See Diagnosis 0 AS is a progressive disease. While patients with AS may initially be asymptomatic, further progression is typically associated with symptoms and poor prognosis.13,14 AS is…
  • Diagnosis

    The three cardinal symptoms of AS are angina, syncope or heart failure (HF).13,16 Other symptoms include dyspnea and decreased exercise tolerance.14 0 Primary care physicians should consider AS in…
  • Options

    Treatment options for aortic stenosis: MEDICAL MANAGEMENT Medical treatment options for symptomatic patients with severe AS are limited. Medical treatment may be helpful in ameliorating symptoms in…
  • Surgical Replacement

    FIND OUT MORE: Abbott Tissue Heart Valves   Abbott Mechanical Heart Valves 0
  • Guidelines

    Asymptomatic patients Intervention is recommended in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis and systolic LV dysfunction (LVEF <50%) without another cause (class I, B). …
  • Overview

    Two Types of Mitral Regurgitation 0 1-YEAR MORTALITY UP TO 57%* Mitral regurgitation, if left untreated, initiates a…

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